Azure Provider Overview

The officially supported Nitric Azure Provider.

provider: nitric/azure@latest

See the Overview page for general information on Nitric Pulumi providers.

Nitric runs services (APIs, Schedules and Topic Subscribers) on Azure Container Apps, which is unavailable in a small number of regions.

The Azure provider is supported by the Nitric SDKs and CLI by default. However, credentials for an Azure account will be required when using the up command from the CLI.

Azure Credentials

The Nitric CLI uses the standard Azure credentials to authenticate with Azure. If you've set up local credentials for the Azure CLI or an SDK previously, these settings should work without modification.

If you're setting up your credentials for the first time, simply run azure login command and finish the login via your browser.

az login

Verify the Azure CLI install -

az -v

See Azure documentation for full details on credentials and configuration.

Azure CLI Installation

Installing the Azure CLI assists with credentials setup. You can install it using these summarized instructions, for more options see the Microsoft docs.

Download & install the latest CLI release.

Stack Configuration

# The provider to use and it's published version
# See releases:
provider: nitric/azure@latest
# The target Azure region to deploy to
# See available regions:
region: my-azure-stack-region
# Deploy into an existing resource group
# Available since v1.11.0
# ⚠️ Changing this property post-deployment is a destructive operation
resource-group: my-azure-resource-group
# Org to associate deployed API Management services with
org: example-org
# Admin email to associate deployed API Management services with
# All configuration below is optional
# Apply configuration to nitric APIs
# Target an API by its nitric name
# provide domains to be used for the api
description: An Azure API
# Configure your deployed services
# How services without a type will be deployed
# configure a sample rate for telemetry (between 0 and 1) e.g. 0.5 is 50%
telemetry: 0
# configure services to deploy to Google Cloud Run
# see:
containerapps: # Available since v0.26.0
# set 1/4 vCPU
cpu: 0.25
# set 0.5GB of RAM
memory: 0.5
# The minimum number of instances to scale down to
min-replicas: 0
# The maximum number of instances to scale up to
max-replicas: 10
# Additional deployment types
# You can target these types by setting a `type` in your project configuration
telemetry: 0
memory: 1
min-replicas: 2
max-replicas: 100

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Last updated on Oct 16, 2024